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Affiliate Guidelines

By requesting GameSurge Affiliate status you and your organization agree to be bound by the following guidelines. Violation of these guidelines may result in the revocation of your channel registration or affiliate status, as well as any special privileges you have been granted. These guidelines may change from time to time. Should you not agree to any portion of the revised guidelines you may contact the Affiliate Liaison Team to discuss discontinuing your affiliate status. The Affiliate Guidelines may change at any time, with or without notice.

  1. All affiliates are expected to abide by the GameSurge AUP, TOS, Registration Guidelines, and our Affiliate Guidelines at all times.

  2. Affiliates are expected to use any special privileges granted to them in a professional manner. Abuse of such privileges may result in their revocation. Examples of abuse are repeatedly adding and removing fakehosts, using trusts to connect unneeded clones, and connecting non-approved clients to special servers.

  3. Affiliates are expected not to act in any manner that would tarnish the reputation of GameSurge.

  4. We reserve the right to deny or terminate an affiliation for any reason.

  5. Affiliates agree to remain active in their respective areas. Affiliates who suspend activity for an excessive period of time may have their affiliate status removed.

  6. Organizations and their staff members agree not to engage in the following activities:

    • Fake competitions or fake giveaways

    • Pranking

    • Encouraging network spam or excessive advertisement

  7. Organizations agree not to "scam" users or otherwise break contracts made in good faith on the network. (Note: We take no responsibility for the enforcement of any contracts between parties made on the network; however, if an organization has a reputation for harming our users their status may be revoked.)

  8. Affiliates are obliged to keep the Affiliate Liaison Team informed of all major changes, updates and/or news concerning their organization that may have a potential effect on their own organization or the GameSurge network (both positive and negative).

  9. The Affiliate Liaison Team will interpret this document if there is ambiguity as to how it applies to your situation.

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   Acceptable Use Policy
   Frequently Asked Questions
   New User Guide
   Terms of Service

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