User Profile for pb

Member Since: 02/01/2004

Real Name: PhaseBurn

Staff Positions: IRC Operator, Network Administrator

Committee Memberships: Security Director, Server Coordinator

Locale:, The Internet

Forum Posts: 128

IM Contact: AIM ICQ

Geek, Network Engineer (job), Proud Linux User (Gentoo!), Anime Junkie, and IRC Idler. My home page pretty much covers it... Hobbies include coding, helping users in #linux and #support, and I've been known to build servers for fun. My pride and joy is my TiVo I hacked a network card into, and added 120 gigs of storage space to. I'm an alright chef (never killed anybody yet), and love cooking. Away from the computer, I play racquetball, snowboard, paintball, watch Anime, and work. Dispite my young looks, I'm actually quite old, and was just blessed (cursed) with my youthful charasteristics. Yearly conventions I attempt to attend include DefCon and a couple others. Feel free to look me up before/during and say hello!

I started on GamesNET back in April of 2002, in #linux, helping people out, and mostly just having fun. I stayed there for some 6 months, until I met up with the GamesNET Radio crowd and started helping them out. From there, I joined staff as a helper in Febuary, 2003, then became a server co-admin in May, 2003. Due to a conflict of interest between the primary admin and GamesNET, the server was delinked and I returned to my "helper" position. A couple weeks later, I assisted Greg in setting up his new server, and became co-admin of and an IRC Operator. I was also asked to participate in the Routing Committee in early July, where I assisted in the server application and linking process. Oktagon sadly delinked in mid-July due to technical reasons, however. Then in late November, I became a member of NETCOM - the Network Administration/Operations Committee. I also linked my own server, shortly there after. Then we moved the whole network over to GameSurge, Febuary 2nd 2004 (my 1 year on staff). Sadly, Vigilance delinked mid August, but I hope to link another server again. In the mean time, I'm still active fulfilling other duties on GameSurge and earning my keep. Where I go from here, I can not say, but I know it will be with GameSurge. I took a 3 month leave of absence to deal with some life things, but have since returned to fulfill my position as Server Coordinator, Network Administrator, and Security Officer. This time, it's for keeps.

I also, as of the end of July, became the GameSurge Security Manager which has me for the first time in a management position. I have a wonderful team of people who work hard under me and are developing some really creative solutions to some amazingly complex problems. While I don't expect a lot of the security team's work to be visible, lets just say that the impact has been, and will continue to be felt by all of GameSurge's users even if they can't identify with it. "Working behind the scenes to better the IRC experience of GameSurge users" is our motto there, and the whole team is performing very well. I wish I could say it was a tribute to amazing leadership, but I'm learing as much, if not more, than they are. I'm pretty confident in the position and hope to retain it for a while yet to come.

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