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Member Since: 03/29/2022

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Profile: How to do an abstract translation:
Features and steps of translation
Every student who has ever faced the need to study a large amount of information in a foreign language knows how difficult it can be to understand the main point. Especially when you don't have much time to study it, you can resort to or, in this case, abstract translation can help.

In this article, I will tell you what it is and when it's worth doing.

What is abstract translation?
Abstract translation is a brief excerpt from a voluminous text, retelling the original text in the language in which the subsequent work will be written.

Such translations are used when preparing large papers such as thesis, dissertation or thesis. In particular, when you simply have no time to study the literature and need a brief acquaintance with the materials, it is best to resort to the services of . In fact, studying foreign sources is always difficult: it requires not only time, but also a good knowledge of the language.

Types of translation
There are several variants of translation besides the abstract one:

Technical. This is translation of scientific and technical texts with complex vocabulary and narrow terms, special style of material presentation;
oral. In this case foreign speech is perceived by ear, and translation itself is not recorded anywhere;
simultaneous. This is a variant of interpretation. It is the most complex, since the process of translation is carried out simultaneously with dubbing of the original text;
consecutive. Interpretation which is characterized by the fact that text is translated in parts - speaker talks to a certain point and interpreter translates;
written. Here everything is simple - the translation is written down on any source.
Peculiarities of abstract translation
The essence of abstract translation is that the translator highlights the main points in the source text and transmits them in a concise form.

But it is not just a translation, but paraphrasing - syntagms and separate sentences - which can be done only by an experienced translator. An inexperienced translator can not always correctly identify and convey the essence of the text, so it is better to take and from professionals or it will quite negatively affect the entire future work.

It must be understood that when translating, individual sentences and even paragraphs can be omitted. Usually the original text is reduced in the retelling by 20-50%.

When translating, it is important not only to convey the essence of the text, but also to do so logically and consistently.

When translating, use simple sentences that are correctly worded grammatically. The longer the sentence, the harder it is to understand. The easiest way to make it easier to understand is to break complex and compound sentences into parts.

If the abstract translation is properly drafted, it can clearly answer the question of what important information is contained in the material.

Stages of abstract translation
The translation process consists of several successive stages.

Familiarization with the material. At this stage you need to decide whether an abstract transfer will be justified. To do this you need to carefully examine the original text, highlight its structural elements (introduction, main body, conclusion), and pay attention to scientific novelty and importance of the material. It is also important to identify keywords.
Selection of references. This refers to dictionaries and other books that will provide a competent translation.
Highlighting the main aspects of the text. The text is reread at least once more, during which the main aspects are highlighted.
Division of the text into meaningful parts. Division is based on the highlighted aspects.
Writing down translation passages. Use the steps already covered and a pre-determined outline.
Comparison of the translation and the original. Here not only compare the two texts, but also check the correctness of the translation, edit controversial points and eliminate errors.
Formalization of the work, taking into account its structure. The structure of such a translation includes an introduction, the abstract itself and background information in the form of tables, charts, etc.
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